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St Mary's Primary School Fivemiletown County Tyrone


Cead Mile Failte Romhat to St. Mary’s Primary School Fivemiletown. We are situated on the outskirts of Fivemiletown in County Tyrone. Our close proximity to St. Mary’s Church, Fivemiletown Youth Annex and other public facilities facilitates excellent links between our school, parish and community.

Our school is a happy, family-centred environment which is hard working and successful. In St. Mary’s, we believe that “OUR success is doing OUR best!” and we strive to ensure that each child has the opportunity to develop all of their strengths and talents and achieve their personal best. Our children are at the centre of everything that we do and we work together to promote the best possible education for every child.

We hope that you enjoy visiting our website and sharing in the experiences and achievements of our children. Please contact us if you would like any further information; we would love to hear from you.

Brian Mc Closkey



19th Jun 2024
This morning we had a wonderful leavers mass for our fantastic P7 pupils. It was...
18th Jun 2024
Well done to our Irish Dancers, last weekends Feis proved very successful, their...

Enrolment For New Pupils



Pupil Absence Information

If a child is absent for any reason, parents/guardians should notify the school, explaining their absence by using the ‘Report Pupil Absence’ button below.

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